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Writer's pictureCraig Claro

Unveiling 'Why Do You Want' by Couvo: Simplify Complexity with Your Own Interpretation

Updated: Apr 25

Couvo "Why Do You Want"  The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot -  Craig Claro, Editor
Photo courtesy of Couvo

Couvo releases “Why Do You Want” and it's not complicated...well...actually that part is up to you.

Couvo is the equivalent of a grenade right after you pull the pin. When you pull a pin on a grenade…there’s the moment you realize that this is happening. Then you have the anticipation…for the explosion. It's exhilarating, right? This song “Why Do You Want” by Couvo is just that. It starts off with a gentle but anticipatory guitar strumming, laden with medium beats and softly delivered vocals. That’s the pin being pulled. Then BOOM!!! — and with a passionate query the explosive vocals tear into you wanting to know your answer. Each of us has an internal motivation and this song is just simply asking you a straightforward question.

Most (ahem - all) songs are about the singer's experiences. Their heartbreak. Their needs. They want you to focus and relate to what they are thinking. This song is the literal opposite. This song is for you. It was written for you and only you. When you hear the very last word of this song you will realize it’s a song for all of us and made me stop and think. Make sure you listen and answer the question revealed at the end. I did and it changed the course of my day.

This song has a beautiful delivery with aggressive yet flowing vocals. The supporting arrangement is well performed and I enjoyed the clean and full rock sound. I felt this song is definitely a standout in the catalog of Couvo and would love to hear more like this and will have an ear out for this artist.

Couvo "Why Do You Want"  The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot -  Craig Claro, Editor
Photo courtesy of Couvo

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