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Sofi Bonde Stuns with 'You' - A Cinematic Fusion of Pop Rock and Metal

Sofi Bonde  - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by Sofi Bonde

By: Staff

Already World Renowned, Sofi Bonde Delivered Another Amazing Performance With the Latest Release, “You.”

Stunning opening pianos and a guitar strum that leaves you wanting more is how this song breaks into your earspace. Enter Sofi Bonde with stellar and powerful posturing and emotion-filled vocals. Pleading with the object of this song, she makes the emotional declaration and request with the lyrics: 

“Cry… I am right here to please, Put your mind at ease, so stay.“ 

The tone and soft silky voice of Sofi Bonde is awe-inspiring, and a showstopper that can transcend from the mood of Broadway to rock within the confines of one song. The singing is brought forth like a story and a performance all rolled into one. With the tremendous build, the song starts to lift up and a powerful beat carries this songstress to an even higher level. We are absolutely mesmerized by the continued vocal presentation. It’s no surprise that this artist's music has been chosen for countless famous world-known shows such as Entourage, Vampire Diaries, and Melrose Place.

Additionally, the mix and placement of the musical arrangement, combined with the stellar vocals of Sofi Bonde, are perfect and bring the sound to its maximum potential. As you listen and learn the meaning of this song, you will become personally uplifted and empowered because of Its messages, one of learning to accept life's losses and also how to laud your accomplishments. As the song carries on, we are presented with an incredible display of ability in a guitar solo. What makes this so impressive is that it makes it feel like an orchestra style performance, all carried out by one artist and an electric guitar. This is no surprise to us as Sofi Bonde is a pioneer in creating a fusion of pop, rock, and metal in a cinematic manner with her well-known signature styling.

This track was recorded, mixed and mastered at Streaky Studios in the UK and when you take a look at this location's website, you will see that they are an absolute state of the art and incredibly beautiful facility. Unsurprisingly, the final result is as impressive as it is with such an incredible artist, and with such a tremendous team behind her.

This artist continues to make tremendous waves in the industry and has already had such major accomplishments.

We highly recommend you share, stream and playlist this Sofi Bonde and “You”. 

Sofi says, “You” is a call for action for all of us and reminds us about the importance of being a friend and having friends who hold you through rough patches in life. We are in this together. We share our fears and joys. We let them come and go. 

Wait, there's more! 

We caught up with Sofi Bonde for:

“The Cage” Music Blog, to talk about music and learn more about them.

Here’s how it went:

Begin Interview

How long have you been making music?

I don’t know if you can call it music by any means but I wrote and sang my first song on a made-up stage when I was 8. 

Was there always a desire to create music, or did an event in your life make you realize this is what you want to do as a profession?

I always loved to write and sing and in highschool my music teacher told me I should try to pursue music as a career. It felt like a dream at the time but I just couldn’t get it out of my head. It still sits there like a stubborn stain on my favorite shirt. 

What emotion inspires your writing process the most, i.e., sadness, worry, happiness, etc.? It sounds like a cliché, but I have to say love. That has always been and still is the strongest force. 

I’m a hopeless lover for sure. 

What instrument do you use as the foundation to start your musical creations with? 

I have always used the guitar. If you asked me to play for you I would probably refuse since I am truly not a great guitar player. But when I sit alone and make up a tune I will play loud and clear and have the best tie ever. Good thing there are so many brilliant guitar players out there so I don’t have to play live or make my own recordings. No one would take me seriously, if anyone takes me seriously today that is.

We want to hear about the wonderful work of mixing and mastering this tremendous track by Streaky Studios in the UK. How did you come across such a great team? 

I found them through other artists I had ben listening to and then on YouTube. You gotta love YouTube! Streaky Studios have been such a huge part of this whole project. They are the sound. I will continue working with them for as long as I’m making music. 

What was the most challenging part of bringing this project to life, from the initial idea to the final recording?

Getting heard!!! There are 120 000 singles released every day. I mean that is a high figure and a hard number to get through.

Is any part of your music's message or your personal purpose you feel fans should know more about? If so, what is that element, and why is it so important to you? 

Be as small as you like to, or have to some days - but always strive to find your superposition. Be and do the best you can for yourself and then everyone else. I have struggled my whole life with being a people pleaser so understanding this was a big one for me. 

What has been the most motivating force in creating your music?

Expression, love and sharing your life - realizing you’re not alone at all in all the things you feel and experience.

What part of the music-making process is the most stressful, ie the creation, the actual release date, etc? 

Creating it is great, writing, recording and hearing the song develop through different stages. I love that. The most stressful (and also the absolutely best) part is getting up on stage infront of a lot of people and giving them something that’s worth their while. 

Which of your already released songs is the most important to you or closest to your heart for personal reasons? 

”Fallout” is probably that song. It’s the song I had most placements with and the one who has always saved me from bankruptcy as it’s the most placed song I ever wrote, and I wrote it myself. 

If there was one thing you could change about the music industry, what would it be? 

Hm.. I have always lived on the artist side. I’m not so found of the business itself. But since it has changed so much over the years I have (against my true will) have had to have a finger or an understanding in everything I do to get anywhere. I think the business is slightly more fair today than it used to be. It’s still equally hard to break through. I think it’s a bit of ”a numbers game”. You just have to keep doing what you’re doing and stick to the plan - something’s got to give!

Was there ever a time when you emotionally felt, “I can’t do this anymore”? Can you tell us why this happened and how you found the strength to continue? 

This is something that comes and goes throughout your life. I’d like to say my career but I feel pretentious saying that since I had so many more setbacks (too many to put into this interview) than wins. I suppose I have learned to live in a rollercoaster world and since I’ve been doing this for so long I can live off of it even though I’m still far FAR away from where I always dreamed of being. Like making it into Billboard Top 50.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Always trust your gut” and ”Stick to the plan”.

What is your favorite song to cover? 

Land Slide.

What is your favorite quote? 

”Feel the fear and do it anyway”.

If you could go on any late-night talk show, which would it be? And based on present life, what would be the topic of discussion? 

”The Oprah Winfrey Show”. I always wanted to meet her. She is so incredibly brave, open and wise. I read a lot by her and she has always been a big inspiration to me. If I ever get to share a room with her I’d talk about manifestation, inspiration, taking the wrong turns and finding the right ones to get back up again - and wherever that conversation takes us.

We have experienced many people performing acts of selflessness each day. Once your artistry has reached far and wide, how will you use that more powerful voice to have a bigger positive impact on our world? 

Angelina Jolie has become someone I admire for her work with women and children around the world. That’s what I see or dream to do myself one day.

End Interview

Check out this latest release and listen to more of Sofi Bonde with links of Spotify & YouTube below.

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