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Only Love" by Doron Karavani: A Heartfelt Journey of Sound

Doron Karavani  - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by Ofer Amir

By: Staff

Doron Karavani, the talented musician from Helsinki, has just released his original single "Only Love," and we couldn't be more thrilled! 

As huge fans of Doron’s incredible performances and skills, we eagerly dove into this latest track, and it did not disappoint. From the moment the gentle guitar strumming and soft piano notes greet you, you're enveloped in a warm embrace of sound. The introduction is soft and simple, setting the stage for the magic to come.

Doron enters with such beautiful lyrical and vocal expression that we were floored beyond belief. The emotive delivery is so powerful that it can make time stand still. When you reach the chorus, “Only love can keep us together close,” you'll realize you’re listening to an artist worthy of legendary status.

Imagine a festival setting where the crowd falls silent, entranced as Doron begins to sing. This moment would leave thousands staring in disbelief, realizing they've never had the opportunity to hear such an incredible performance before. The blend of love and positivity in this song is palpable, bringing warmth to your heart and urging everyone to do what they want to do.

There’s a really heartfelt dedication in the middle of the song that adds a soft gravity and raw honesty, making it feel like it’s crafted from a place of beauty. And just when you think it couldn’t get better, the horns burst in, sending shivers of delight down your spine.

What makes this song even more beautiful is the collaboration with the amazing Kalevi Lohivuori, who adds his magic with trumpet and keyboards. This recording took place in Kalevi's home studio on a cold winter day, proving that simplicity and raw talent can lead to the most breathtaking results.

Doron’s music draws from influences ranging from Bob Marley to Nina Simone, and it’s clear that he pours his heart and soul into every note. "Only Love" is a soulful track that resonates deeply with themes of love and positivity, a heartfelt expression of his experiences and beliefs.

"Only Love" showcases Doron Karavani’s stunning ability to weave heartfelt messages into his music. The combination of lush instrumentation and poignant lyrics creates a memorable listening experience that resonates deeply with audiences. With a sound that promises to captivate, this release is a must-listen.

"You can find this release on any major platform, see below for links to take you straight to some of the profiles. Make sure to playlist, stream and share "Only Love" by Doron Karavani."

Wait… there's more!

We had the chance to catch up with Doron Karavani for an exclusive interview in "The Cage" Music Blog.

Here’s how it went:

Begin Interview

Hello Doron Karavani, we’re thrilled to have you for this interview! We’ve had a blast diving into your music and exploring your work, and now we’re even more excited to learn more about you, both as an artist, and as a person.

How long have you been making music?

I've been making music since 15 years old. but recordings came later at around 22.

What emotion do you feel inspires your desire to start a project, such as "Only Love"?

During the pandemic something came to me fromsomwere and I came up with Only love. I guess it was the unhappy feeling of the pandemic etc..

Can you walk us through your songwriting process, including where you most prefer to be when you write and create the foundation musical arrangements?

I dob't usually write. When a song come to me I memorize it and if it's really good I keep remembering it till I get a chance to record it. Usually I grab my guitar at home when feeling mellow or blue. With Only Love i later visited a good friend of mine Kalevi Louhivuori and we recorded the song at his home studio. I love the sound and the simplicity

Can you explain to us the theme for your music video and what was the inspiration and intention for the observer to absorb from it?

I wanted to make the video in the place I spent most of my time thinking and that was the forst outside my house :) Naturally I needed my dog with me :)

What instrument do you use as the foundation to start your musical creations with?

My guitar. sometimes I use keyboards

What instruments do you play? Which is your favorite?


What instrument do you not play, or play leisurely, that you wish you could master?

Drums -

Where do you start the production of your music, such as with a home recording studio or an outside producer?

I do have my studio at home but I always endup at a more proffessional studio when it comes to actual recordings that I want to release.

Can you tell us how your collaboration with Kalevi Lohivuori on "Only Love" influenced the song's final sound and how recording in his home studio shaped the atmosphere and mood of the music?

Kalevi lives in a tiny wooden house in the middle of the forest. I think the deep sound we got just felt good for this track.

What message do you hope listeners take away from "Only Love"?

That whatever you chase in life should be what you say and do while remembering that only love remins at the end.

Marley and Nina Simone, how do you think these artists have shaped your approach to music?

To be who you are.

What was the most challenging part of bringing "Only Love" to life, from the initial idea to the final recording?

There was no challange. The song came and I liked a lot so later I recorded it. I think it was made during a one or two takes.

What has been the most motivating force in creating your music?

Sometimes we all feel down and out. when that happens to me I grab the guitar and comeup with something to make me feel better.

What part of the music-making process is the most stressful, such as the creation, the actual release date, etc.?

I try to avoid stress

Which of your already released songs, including "Only Love," is the most important to you, or had the most impact on your life or career, and can you tell us why?

I guess all of them has something from me so they all mean something. place, time, people, etc... Some of them just has a stronger message. Those that have a stornger message are more important becouse they can touch others as well.

If there was one thing you could change about the music industry, what would it be?

I woulden't change anything. Music has always been moving forward and changing our lifes and so forth ... I think today there way more oprtonties for artist to spred thier music. once it is recorded and published you may not have control on where the song will go and travel.

Where do you see your sound and artistry heading in the future? Are there any exciting new directions you're exploring?

I'm not sure but I do know that I won't stop making music and spreding it. Time will tell.

What is the live music venue scene like where you currently reside?

I live in Helsinki Finland by the nature. My next gig is going to be in January in the city center.

Tell us about the last time you performed. Where was the show, and what was your experience like?

last time I was preforming was in Tel Aviv (my hometown) it was few months before the 7.10.2023

Have you ever been on tour, and can you tell us a little about the experience?

No. I haven't.

Was there ever a time when you emotionally felt, “I can’t do this anymore”? How 

did you find the strength to continue?


What advice would you give your younger self?

Keep doing what you are doing

What is your favorite song to cover?

True colors

What is your favorite quote?

Einstein's quote, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”.

Most people love or hate social media—where do you land?

In between

If you could go on any late-night talk show, which would it be? And based on present life, what would be the topic of discussion?

Jimmy fallon - My music

When you reach the stage where you have the admiration and respect of other world-known artists, what band or artist would you love to call and say, “Let’s go on tour together”?

Oasis :)

As humans, we should strive to perform acts of selflessness daily, and many do. Once your artistry has achieved widespread recognition, how would you use your influential voice to make a bigger positive impact on the world?

By making more songs and letting more people hear what I have to say.

What is the most inspirational thing a fan, or anyone, has told or shown you about your music?

That my voice is magical.

End Interview

We’re happy to have shared Doron Karavani’s exciting journey with you and uncovered such inspiring insights about their creative process.

Now, click the links below to experience their incredible work firsthand!

Check out this latest release and listen to more of Doron Karavani on Spotify & YouTube.


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