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Feel the Energy: Mote’s High-Octane Indie Hit "Torn of Wind" is Here!


Mote  - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by: Mote

By: Staff

Mote has just released their latest single, "Torn of Wind"—an exhilarating, high-energy indie track that’s bound to capture attention.

The song’s relentless pace and dynamic vocal presentation make it an absolute standout. Mote’s delivery keeps listeners engaged, with cadence shifts that perfectly match the evolving intensity of the music, creating a truly captivating experience from start to finish.

For those curious to dive deeper into Mote’s creative process and the story behind "Torn of Wind," be sure to check out the full feature interview below, where we discuss this release and much more.

Don’t miss out—listen, stream, and share "Torn of Wind"  by Mote on all major platforms today!

Here is the exclusive interview in "The Cage" Music Blog with Mote.

Hello Mote, we’re thrilled to have you here for this interview! We've had an amazing time exploring your music and diving into your creative journey. Now, we’re even more excited to get a deeper look into both your brand and your personal and professional inspirations.

What’s the story behind how you chose your artist / band's name?

Mote is a nickname my Dad gave me as a kid.

Can you describe the type of music that you play and the genres you represent? Are there different styles within your genre?

We make Indie/Post-Punk music. To me, rock n roll is all about borrowing from other styles though. It's quite maleable. So we draw from not only other music styles, but we are inspired by everything from fashion to painting and poetry, etc.

We read: "Torn Of Wind" offers a glimpse into Mote's introspective journey. The track delves into themes of self-discovery and acceptance, portraying a dark figure navigating their emotions and desires.” How has this emotional journey affected your perspective on life and your career? Do you feel this has been resolved and you are moving forward or is the journey not yet complete?

I guess it's about learning to accept the parts of yourself that are not so easy to face sometimes. The character in the song has survived a lot, and has dropped some hang-ups. They are saying, this is me, like it or not. I think it's a lifelong process for all of us. I don't think it's ever fully resolved.

When you wrote this song, was there a catalyst that brought these emotions to the front of your mind and allowed you to address these emotions?

The music came first. That is usually the case in my writing. The music dictates what the song is about. So the music brought this story out. I just try to really listen in to what it is telling me to say.

Can you describe the theme of this release's artwork and what the inspiration and intention were for the observer to absorb from it?

Well, not exactly. My pal Roma Palermo did the artwork. She is an amazing artist here in Berlin, originally from Argentina. I think she got her inspiration from the track of course, but it's her point of view. I think it fits the vibe really well though, and to me it feels dreamy and abstract.

What was the most challenging part of bringing this project to life from the initial idea to the final recording?

The recording process actually. I had the demo for awhile and we worked it up with my band. We spent a week making, or trying to make a few songs for an EP by recording together in the studio. It was a struggle and afterwords I realized that it wasn't good enough. That was frustrating because we spent a bunch of money making something we couldn't use. I ended up parting ways with those musicians afterwards, which I didn't expect. We parted as friends, but it wasn't easy. Two days later I was in England visiting my sister, and found a studio to record the song in by myself and it came out great. That is the recording you hear today.

How long have you been playing guitar? What song is your favorite to cover or play when no one else is around?

I've been playing guitar since I was 7. I'm really a bass player though, in my estimation. I like to sing a Sade song called "By Your Side." We don't play that one in the punk clubs though, haha.

Is guitar the instrument you choose to use as the foundation of your songs when writing?

Sometimes. Torn of Wind started on bass. I start with drums sometimes, or vocals, or words. It's always different.

We loved the video on your Instagram in the studio recording “Big Drop”. Can you tell us about the other guitarist and drummer you’re playing with? What is the name of the studio and where is it located?

Thanks. Yeah, that came out good. That is Josi Lukschy on guitar and Lisa Kida on drums. Both are wonderful musicians and people. They are the band members I was talking about before. It's a studio in Berlin called Tollkühn Productions.

We saw your videos on tour with really crowded rooms. What venues were they at and what were the shows like?

The response to our live show has been incredible so far. We have a pretty high energy live show. I'm not sure which videos you mean, but maybe Loge in Berlin and Noch Besser Leben in Leipzig.

We noticed that you posted a sort of comedic visual of you waking up on a showday. Can you tell us what the real sensations you get when you have an upcoming show, ie stress, elation, relief? Do you have a method to combat any negativity you experience?

Haha, most of my post are a little funny because I only do them when I'm in the mood. I'm not often in the mood.

Playing my own music live is my favorite thing to do in the world. Before the show I'm very focused all day, and sort of like super calm. Sometimes I get nervous, or like butterflies about it if I feel like it's a big deal. I've been doing it for a long time though. As soon as I step onstage I feel totally at home and like present. It's the most present I ever really feel. So if I'm being negative or nervous before, I just sort know that as soon as I get out there it will be great.

We see you have a lot of shows coming up:

Berlin 22.11.24 @badehaus_berlin

Berlin 25.11.24 @badehaus_berlin

Hamburg 06.12.24 @molotowclub

We have never been to Berlin, can you describe what the music scene is like there? Can you describe what your favorite type of venue is to play in, ie intimate / punk mosh pit etc?

Berlin is so rad! The music scene is pretty diverse, but for me it is heaven because of the rock clubs and the dance clubs. I really like electronic music as well. The indie scene here is really supportive and the best scene I've been a part of. There's also something special happening here right now in rock music. I can feel it. It's a dream come true for me. I like playing these punky intimate rock venues, yeah. They are very DIY, and the audiences are really present and want to hear what you have for them even when they don't know you.

We read this: “Mote's decision to release the single independently reflects his bold approach to sharing his artistry directly with the audience.”

We think this is refreshing. Labels and “Signed Deals” always seem to wear the originality and authenticity of what can be greatness in an artist. What made you and when did you come to this decision?

I just really wanted to release this music. We are playing these songs live in the clubs. I think they're the best songs I've written and I want the fans of our live show to be able to hear them when they go home. A label might say the song is cool or whatever, but not a single, or just slow the whole process down too much with the business of it all. I really believe in these songs so I just went for it on my own.

We read: “This single marks a pivotal moment for Mote as an artist, showcasing a new direction in his musical evolution.” How stark of a change is this, and how do you feel about this new movement in your career?

It feels like a pretty powerful change to me. I really do feel the most free I've ever felt to make what I want. I feel the most empowered I ever have to really be myself, so I am learning and growing pretty fast these days. The result is that the music is, to me, more vibrant, and I have a very clear sense of what I want to do.

So, what’s next? Can you share the full details on your future projects and what fans should be excited about? We’re hearing about more releases, and we’d love to be the first to announce it!

We have a new single coming out December 6th called "Swimming." We are starting to tour around Germany. We're playing those live shows you kindly mentioned before. We have some exciting stuff coming for next year as well, but for now that's all I can say.

Mote, thank you so much, we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us!

My pleasure. Thank you.

End Interview

We’re happy to have shared Mote’s exciting journey with you and uncovered such inspiring insights about their creative process.

Now, click the links below to experience their incredible work firsthand!

Check out this latest release and listen to more of Mote on Spotify & YouTube.

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