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Athena Joy's “MY WAY” Is a High-Energy Pop Anthem Poised to Become a Classic

Athena Joy  - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by Giselle Devine

By: Staff

Athena Joy’s latest release, “MY WAY,” is a high-energy pop anthem that promises to become an instant classic.

This track is an electrifying celebration of self-empowerment, with Athena’s powerful vocals driving the song's infectious energy. Picture yourself at a bustling nightclub, the crowd swaying to the beat, and you can almost hear Athena’s voice rising above the noise, turning the room into a dance haven.

From the moment “MY WAY” kicks in, it’s clear that Athena Joy has crafted something special. Her voice is a force to be reckoned with, delivering each lyric with a blend of raw authenticity and emotional intensity. The song's arrangement perfectly matches this dynamic delivery, with its pulsating beats and catchy hooks creating an atmosphere that feels both exhilarating and uplifting. It’s the kind of track that would make anyone want to hit the dance floor, whether they’re at a crowded club or grooving in their living room.

Athena Joy’s tone and powerful delivery are reminiscent of the classic empowerment anthems, yet “MY WAY” brings a fresh, contemporary twist. It captures the spirit of songs like “I Will Survive” but injects it with a modern energy that keeps it relevant and exciting. The production is slick and polished, with synths and drums that build and drop at just the right moments, creating a sound that’s as impressive at full volume as it is on a casual listen.

One of the standout elements of “MY WAY” is its lyrical content. Athena Joy’s conviction as she sings lines like “but I’m finding myself and I’m finding my way” adds a layer of depth and sincerity to the track. The song resonates with a message of personal growth and self-discovery, and Athena’s heartfelt performance makes these themes even more impactful.

Overall, “MY WAY” is a top-notch production that rivals the best work of pop icons like Lady Gaga and Rihanna. Every sound is crisp and powerful, making it a perfect addition to any playlist. This track is sure to make waves, and Athena Joy is definitely an artist to watch.

Stream, playlist, and share “MY WAY” today—it’s a standout dance track of the year that you won’t want to miss!

Wait..... there's more! 

We caught up with this exciting and emerging artist, for:

“The Cage” Music Blog, to talk about music and learn more about them.

Here’s how it went:

Begin Interview

Athena Joy, we wanted to know as much as we could about this release.

We found this quote: “Athena Joy describes the song as her "favourite song [she has] ever worked on" and a "celebration" of all she has lived through.”

Can you tell us what it is about this song that has brought about these emotions?

I wrote the song off the back of a really, really hard year. I was having a few health issues and I was really unsure if I was going to be able to continue music or pretty much all aspects of my life, at least as I knew it before. And at the time I was still feeling really weighed down by it all and I caught up with a friend who I hadn’t seen in a while. That dinner with them honestly just made me realise how much I had grown since it had all happened, how much I was actually no longer in the thick of it anymore. That realisation was honestly everything. I feel like trauma has a way of clouding our vision of everything and making it feel like the pain of it all is going to last forever. When you can finally see your way out of that dark hole, that is the most freeing feeling and something I really wanted to celebrate. I literally started writing that song on the drive home from that dinner and the entire recording process has also been really fun and cathartic.

We heard the release “My Way” is a semi-finalist in Listen-Up org's annual songwriting prize this year. How does it make you feel to be in the running for recognition for your accomplishments?

It feels really lovely and unexpected. I had actually submitted 2 songs for the prize and this is the one I thought wouldn’t do as well honestly… but I’m very grateful! I don’t think you ever write songs to be recognised by these sorts of things but it's always really lovely to get some kind of recognition for your hard work/creativity.

We were excited to see you had performed recently at the Bleach Festival and City Sounds performance earlier this month.

Can you tell us how it feels to perform live at events like this?

It’s always really cool to be able to perform events that you have attended and watched other artists at in the past. Both were really fun days!

Can you tell us what made you choose “My Way” as the title?

The hook of the song is “I am finding myself and I am finding my way” which kind of sums up the whole energy of the song. I wanted to shorten it to just “My way” as it kind of feels like claiming ‘my way’ of doing things as well if that makes sense.

This song’s tempo and energy is so empowering. Was this your first choice of how to present this song to the world and why?

I always imagined it having this driving pop rhythm and beat to it. I wanted to feel as uplifting as the feelings of when you have overcome something really hard. I Initially recorded a version of the song with Jared Adlem and we had booked an entire week in his home studio and had one of the first days as a designated drum day with a friend of ours, Trevor Gee, who is a session drummer. This was probably one of the only songs we had planned to record that week that I didn’t have a logic MIDI session done up of some rough ideas I wanted, so credit to Trev he very much spontaneously came up with a lot of ideas on the spot. We didn’t end up using all of the live drums for this song, but we layered a lot of his ideas in with some more electronic drums to get more of that pop feel. However a lot of his fills are still layered in there and that was really the starting point of the whole song.

Your photographs are beautiful and we wanted to know about the shoot and especially the outdoor setting you had chosen, please tell us about this.

Thankyou so much! The main shoot with most of the press and artwork photos were done with an amazing Gold Coast based photographer Giselle Devine. I found her on instagram and I really liked that she had all these beach bikini shoots shot in these really vibrant and bright locations, but her images also felt really soft and gentle to look at. I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted in my head and she honestly did such an incredible job at capturing that.

There are also some shots that have snuck in there from a spontaneous shoot I did with my sister who used to study photography/film that we literally did just in my parents backyard one afternoon. I feel like both shoots kind of compliment each other and this song really well.

Can you tell the fans something they might not know about you and why you create music?

To be honest I don’t know if this one is a big secret… I make music mostly because it’s therapy for me. I used to listen to Skyscraper by Demi Lovato a lot as a kid and I remember just having this feeling like, I wanted to do what that song did for me for other people.

What first sparked the passion of the journey to create music?

The cathartic release of singing and writing my own music. I don’t know if there is anything that comes close to that feeling, and I love being able to share that with other people.

What emotion do you feel inspires your writing process the most, ie sadness, worry, happiness etc.?

I probably get inspired by sadness the most, even I suppose my happy songs have come out of a sadness or a feeling of once being lost then found again.

Can you walk us through your songwriting process and where the inspiration comes from for this latest project?

Songwriting is kind of different every time. Sometimes I sit down at the piano with absolutely no ideas and it’ll flow out, other times its like over analyzing a book report and going over something, every tiny idea a thousand times over.

As I mentioned earlier this one started in the car so I definitely did not have a piano in front of me. I wrote the chorus in the car, singing and humming along while I was driving and then when I got home I sat at the piano and added some chords and wrote the verses. This one definitely was written somewhere in between those, It wasn’t a perfect flow but I also don’t remember overthinking the words too much either. I think pop music sometimes just needs to be what it is.

Where do you create your music, i.e. in a home recording studio or with a producer? How do you finalize your finished work, ie self-mixed/mastered or another source?

I usually always work with other producers. I have always lived in share houses as an adult which is hard for having a home studio, and honestly I genuinely love collaborating.

I recorded a version of this song initially with Jared Adlem in 2020 and then got with Blake Malone last year to do a bit of a reboot at his studio. Blake also mixed it and we gave it to Paul Blakey who I’ve worked with for about 10 years, to do the final master.

Best team!

What was the most challenging part of bringing this project to life, from the initial idea to the final recording?

There were definitely a few hurdles with the pandemic and honestly just personal life struggles that prevented this from coming out sooner. I think that has probably been the most challenging part. Its something a lot of indie artists struggle with unfortunately - big artists can record something and it be out next week. As independent artists we are doing everything ourselves, from PR, creative vision, admin and also including funding the project. Which unfortunately means when life gets trickier for whatever reason the music often gets delayed as well.

Is any part of your music's message or your personal purpose you feel fans should know more about? If so, what is that element, and why is it so important to you?

Not really honestly, I feel like I do my best to be an open book. I hope they know I’m always doing my best for the music and hope they like it of course.

What has been the most motivating force in creating your music?

I think yeah it comes back to the catharsis of it and knowing that other people enjoy that too.

What part of the music-making process is the most stressful, ie the creation, the actual release date, etc?

Definitely not the creation - thats the fun part. Its the logistical stuff. Having all these ideas, on a limited budget, and trying to envision ways to make it all come together. And then obviously trying to get other people as excited about it as you are.

If there was one thing you could change about the music industry, what would it be?

I feel like thats a complicated question…My answer is the use of social media and streaming which is a controversial one. I just know there are a lot of really talented musicians who will never see the light of day because they can’t hack the algorithm - which as a music lover makes me really sad! Obviously there's been lots of people who have benefited from it, don’t get me wrong… however I feel like it's almost at a point where it’s oversaturated and starting to hinder creativity. I’ve noticed certain songs written in a way that just feel click-baity and not like they are written from their soul.

Where do you see your sound and artistry heading in the future? Are there any exciting new directions you're exploring?

I’ve been writing a lot lately but I don’t know where it’s going to end up honestly. We’ll see!

What instruments do you play? Which is your favorite?

Singing is honestly my favourite. But I play piano and a tiny bit of guitar too.

Where do you currently reside and what is the live music venue scene like there?

Brisbane Australia. Its a very strong community spirit here - everyone is genuinely supportive and wants everyone to win. I hear it’s not like that everywhere so I’m grateful to be here.

Tell us about the last time you performed. Where was the show, and what was your experience like?

The last performance was at the Listen Up songwriting prize semi finals actually! Really wholesome and beautiful night. Its so nice performing and connecting with other songwriters in a safe space.

Have you ever been on tour and can you tell us a little about the experience?

I did a mini south east coast tour of QLD but no not a full one. I would love to!

Was there ever a time when you emotionally felt, “I can’t do this anymore”? Can you tell us why this happened and how you found the strength to continue?

Hahaa so many times… I think I keep going because of how fun music can feel. It fills the soul.

What advice would you give your younger self?

To not listen to any advice hahaa… There is so much advice getting thrown around about how to “make it” in this industry and it will drive you crazy trying to listen to it all. No one really knows what they are doing, they are all winging it. So go wing it too. Live your best life.

What is your favorite song to cover?

Stuck by stacie orrico - first song I ever learned to sing and I still pull it out at shows cause its so fun.

What is your favorite quote?

“If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”

How do you feel about social media?

Conflicted. I know there are so many benefits but honestly I could do without it. Sometimes I wish I was in the 70s or 80s where none of that was here. Imagine going home and not being glued to the internet where it feels like everyone has it better?

Sometimes that feels like it would be nicer. But at times it brings people together too. So yeah, conflicted.

What is your favorite method of connecting with fans?

Anytime anyone talks to me after a show I feel like we have the best chat!

When you reach the stage where you have the admiration and respect of other world-known artists, what band or artist would you love to call and say, “Let’s go on tour together”?

Currently Chappel Roan. High key obsessed right now like everyone else.

We have experienced that many people perform acts of selflessness each day. Once your artistry has reached far and wide, how will you use that more powerful voice to have a bigger positive impact on our world?

To be honest I think everyone has a responsibility to try and make the world a better place every single day. Whether thats just talking to a stranger on the bus, helping an older lady in the super market or even just recycling. I suppose I could talk about mental health or something but I guess everyone should just try every day right?

What is the most inspirational thing a fan, or anyone, has told or shown you about your music?

Anytime someone tells me that a song has been a soundtrack for their lives in some way shape or form it feels really special. I’ve played a couple of weddings and I always know those days are days that those people are never going to forget. That feels so touching.

End Interview

Check out this latest release and listen to more of Athena Joy on Spotify & YouTube.

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