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Alli Brown Unleashes Her Inner Strength with "My Own Superhero"

Alli Brown  - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by: Alli Brown

By: Staff

Alli Brown Unveils Her Empowering New Single "My Own Superhero"

Alli Brown opens "My Own Superhero" with soft, sultry vocals that immediately draw you in. But just when you think you’ve got the vibe figured out, she hits you with a more emphatic, emotional, and powerhouse vocal delivery that leaves you in awe. With a thundering beat driving the track, Alli truly shows her vocal prowess—she’s got this unique ability to deliver emotion in every word. This song feels like it’s just getting started, and you can sense that Alli is going to leave a massive mark on the industry with her explosive talent. The rises and falls, with such emphatic emotion, will definitely win the hearts of fans and attract the attention of industry professionals.

The tender acoustic guitars in the background provide the perfect contrast to Alli’s powerful belting. The combination of her voice and the instrumentation creates this beautiful balance between soft and strong, kind of like how a superhero has both vulnerability and strength. And that’s the beauty of this track. It’s not just about the music; it’s about the message. Alli Brown labels herself as her "own superhero," and that’s an empowering statement. Imagine looking in the mirror and saying, "I’ve got this—I’m my own hero." That’s the energy Alli is putting out there, and it’s a message we could all use in our lives.

When the explosive beats and guitars hit, you can just picture Alli rocking the stage in a superhero costume, fists raised high in triumph. This song is an anthem for anyone who’s ever needed a reminder that they have the power to save themselves. The production of this track is also worth noting. Pairing such a soft background with such a powerful singer could have been risky, but here, it works perfectly. The contrast is like a fine wine paired with the perfect cheese—different, but when combined, absolutely flawless. "My Own Superhero" is a reminder that strength can come from within, and Alli Brown is here to show us all how it’s done.

You can find this release on any major platform, see below for links to take you straight to some of the profiles. Make sure to playlist, stream, and share "My Own Superhero" by Alli Brown.

Wait… there's more!

We had the chance to catch up with this exciting artist for an exclusive interview in "The Cage" Music Blog, where we discussed their music and got to know them better.

Here’s how it went:

Begin Interview

Hello Alli Brown, we’re thrilled to have you for this interview! We've thoroughly enjoyed diving into your music and exploring your work, and now we’re even more eager to discover more about you, both personally and professionally.

How long have you been making music?

I’ve been in music classes since I was 2 years old so music has always been a major part of my life. Growing up, I learned to play a variety of different instruments including the piano, violin, bass, and then eventually ukulele and guitar. I really fell in love with performing and songwriting when I learned how to play the guitar and I got my first guitar on my 15th birthday. Although music has been in my life so long, I just started releasing my original music in 2022 and am releasing my debut album in the very near future.

What role do you think your personal experiences play in shaping the sound and feel of your music?

My personal experiences are everything to my music. I’ve always made music that feels authentic and real to me through the songwriting, the production, and overall style. When I write my music, all of the lyrics you’re hearing come from very real feelings or experiences that I’ve been through. My hope is that others can find common ground within my music and relate to it in some way. As for style and production, a lot of how I grew up influences that sound. Spending a lot of time in the Appalachian mountains as a kid is what definitely plays a role in why you can hear such strong folk and country influences come through my music.

What are the main challenges you face as a solo artist, and how do the benefits of working independently compare?

Being a solo artist can be really tough because it usually feels like me against the world trying to make something happen. Sometimes it can honestly just be really lonely and tough to be going to gigs alone, promoting alone, and trying to network alone. On the other side of that though, there is extreme flexibility that you don’t get with a group. I can rehearse when I want, record when I want, and don’t need to rely on other members' schedules. There’s good and bad with both for sure.

Can you walk us through your songwriting process, i.e. where you like to be when you write, and where the inspiration comes from for “My Own Superhero”?

My songs always start as a phrase, concept, or experience that resonates with me. For My Own Superhero, I was at a place in my life where I felt like I was always depending on others to bring me happiness and I wanted to change that. I was actually watching a superhero show on TV when the idea for the line, “I’m my own superhero” came into my mind and I immediately grabbed my guitar to start writing. Since then, the song has been my own personal anthem to remember that I can bring my own success and happiness into my life even when things are tough and I can be my own hero!

Can you describe to us the theme for your artwork for “My Own Superhero” and what was the inspiration and intention for the observer to absorb from it?

When I was little, I used to go rock climbing with my dad all the time. I immediately thought of this picture when I was creating the album art for My Own Superhero because it kind of embodies what the song is all about. Keep going, keep climbing, even when things are hard. I loved that it was a picture of me as a little girl as well because the message of this song was largely directed towards my younger self to show her what we can accomplish when we’re strong and confident.

What instrument do you use as the foundation to start your musical creations with?

I love to write music with my acoustic guitar and it’s usually the foundation of all of my songwriting as well as my recordings. However, I do occasionally write on other instruments such as the piano, ukulele, or mandolin to get a different vibe based on the emotion from the song.

What instruments do you play? Which is your favorite?

I play a lot of different string instruments including violin, piano, bass, guitar, ukulele, mandolin, and can easily pick up others to play around. I’ve always loved string instruments and have been in music classes since I was about 2 years old. While I love and appreciate classical music and the violin, my favorite instrument is probably the guitar because of the rich beautiful tones you can get and the way it feels when you’re singing with one.

Where do you start the production of your music, i.e. in a home recording studio or with an outside producer? How do you finalize your finished work, ie self-mixed/mastered or another source?

I always start my recording process with an at-home demo recorded in my bedroom. This helps me get an idea of the tempo and potential other instruments or sounds to build out the song. From there, I have a studio in Salt Lake called Rocket Skates Recording that I love to go to in order to get that polished sound when I record vocals and acoustic guitar or piano. For a couple of my songs, I’ve recruited a local producer, Brecken Jones, to give me a sound that’s more built out, but many of the songs on my upcoming album are self-produced as well.

What was the most challenging part of bringing “My Own Superhero” to life, from the initial idea to the final recording?

I wanted this song to be impactful and when I started the recording process, something was just feeling off and like I wasn’t achieving the sound I wanted. I ended up seeking out a producer, Brecken Jones, to help me build the instrumentation of this song and I actually ended up re-recording the vocals twice for it! At the end of the day though, I wanted to release something that I was proud of and I am super happy with the way Brecken helped shape it and the finished product that we got to.

What part of the music-making process is the most stressful, ie the creation, the actual release date, etc.?

I think each part of the music-making process has its own unique stressors, and depending on the song, it can be different. For MOSH, trying to produce the song was the most stressful because I kept hitting these walls where I didn’t feel happy with where it was at. There was a time where I wasn’t sure if I would ever even end up releasing it. After it finally felt finished though and I got it out into the world, I was so happy with how it was received and it’s been fun to see how others connect with the song as well.

Where do you see your sound and artistry heading in the future? Are there any exciting new directions you're exploring?

My debut album is on the verge of being released and I am so excited to get a full project out into the world, but after that, I’m really excited and ready to start writing music again and get working on the next project. I think the process of creating my album has been the best learning experience and so I’m excited to see how my sound will evolve and mature as I continue in my music journey.

Tell us about the last time you performed. Where was the show, and what was your experience like?

I recently got the chance to perform my original music with a band for the first time ever! It was at the coolest local venue called The DLC in Salt Lake City. I perform solo so frequently, but I loved the feeling of being with a full band and am actively seeking opportunities to continue playing full band shows in different locations.

Alli Brown, thank you so much, we appreciate you taking the time to talk to us!

End Interview

We’re thrilled to have shared this artist’s exciting journey with you and uncovered such inspiring insights about their creative process.

Now, click the links below to experience their incredible work firsthand!

Check out this latest release and listen to more of Alli Brown on Spotify & YouTube.


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