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A Conversation with Singer-Songwriter Jacre and His Latest Single "Only Love Could Be So Blind"

Jacre - The Cage, a music blog powered by Cage Riot
Photo provided by Jacre

By: Staff

Jacre, the musical persona of British singer-songwriter Julian Ransom, has returned to the spotlight with the release of his exhilarating new single, "Only Love Could Be So Blind." Overflowing with passion and emotion, this captivating track showcases Ransom's renewed dedication to his craft, blending the vibrant sounds of pop rock, folk/pop, and indie/alternative. Inspired by the pain of deception in a past relationship, Ransom has poured his heart and soul into the lyrics, which reflect on the realization that sometimes the problem lies within the person we love most. The song opens with a mesmerizing, melodic introduction that immediately captivates the listener, setting the stage for Jacre's powerful vocal performance. Throughout the track, Ransom's vocals embody the anguish and confusion of heartbreak, with bold exclamations propelled by a full, drum-powered musical arrangement. The listener is taken on a rollercoaster of emotions, as Jacre masterfully pulls back and thrusts forward, allowing us to fully absorb and experience the profound message of the song. The sheer power and control within Jacre's vocal presentation are particularly impressive and deeply enjoyable, making this track a true standout. "Only Love Could Be So Blind" would undoubtedly serve as a poignant and impactful addition to any brokenhearted love moment in a motion picture. Be sure to check out, playlist, and share this captivating new single by Jacre today, and witness the return of a truly talented artist who has rekindled his passion for music.

We had a chance to connect with Jacre about music and more and we wanted to share what we learned with you the fans.

Please tell us a little about yourself and when you started making music.

I’m Julian Ransom, a British singer/songwriter who goes by the artist name Jacre (based on the sound of my initials, JKR). I started releasing music in 2020 and quickly got over 12000 monthly listeners on Spotify - which I then lost again after a recent break! I’m working towards getting those listeners back at the moment. My music has featured a few times on BBC Introducing.

What first sparked the passion for creating music?

It seems to be in my genes, as I come from a line of musicians. Despite being adopted and not knowing about my musical heritage, I started writing and singing at a very young age. Back in the 80’s/90’s I wrote three full stage musicals, but then took a break until I discovered my musical parentage in 2019. That prompted me to start writing again, and I released my first single in 2020.

Can you walk us through your songwriting process for this latest project? Where did the inspiration come from?

I was out walking in the hills near our home, and had the idea of writing a song about seeing things that were subtly wrong - and that wrongness was actually a subconscious warning about my relationship. This harks back to a relationship that I had many years ago, where I slowly realised that almost everything she had ever told me had been a lie. It didn’t go well from there!

Where do you create your music, i.e. in a home recording studio or with a producer? How do you finalize your finished work, i.e., self-mixed / mastered or another source?

I write mainly on piano in my home studio, and record the vocals there. Everything else is done remotely by a production team headed by my wonderful main record producer, Dominic Romano. This track was mixed by Charles-Henry Volk and mastered by Philip Marsden.

What was the most challenging part of bringing this project to life, from the initial idea to the final recording?

Some songs arrive almost fully formed, but this one took weeks of writing and rewriting to make it work. It’s ended up structurally a bit unusual, with the bridge between two verses, but in the end it was what made most sense for the story of the song.

What part of the music making process is the most stressful, ie the creation, the actual release date etc?

I find the actual music-making process pretty stress-free, partly because I have such a great production team. Promoting the track on social media produces the most stress, just because it’s so time-consuming.

Where do you see your sound and artistry heading in the future? Are there any exciting new directions you're exploring?

I recently changed to a more modern vocal style (my earlier tracks were vocally somewhat theatrical). This has had an unexpected knock-on effect on my writing - suddenly, I’m writing much more poppy, up-tempo tracks than before. One of these (Not Falling) is in production at the moment.

Was there ever a time when you emotionally felt, “I can’t do this anymore”? Can you tell us why this happened and how you found the strength to continue?

Like most other artists, I also have a day job, and pressures of work and home life sometimes get in the way. I recently had to take an 18-month break from both music and socials to get through a heavy work period, but that’s thankfully now over!

What advice would you give your younger self and why?

To take opportunities whenever they arise. I had an offer from a record producer when I was 21, but was young and stupid and carelessly lost his business card! In those days there was no internet, and I had no way of finding him again.

How do you feel about social media?

I enjoy doing social media when I’ve got time to do it! The main problem is that to effectively promote your music, you’ve got to be creating what feels like an endless stream of video content, and that gets tough. At one point a few years ago I was spending several hours a day just responding to comments and messages, and that also became a problem.

What is the most motivating thing a fan or anyone has ever told you about your music?

One fan told me that my music saved her life when she was going through a very bad patch. I’ve actually written a song for her, based around her story, which is going into production soon (Brighter Tomorrow).

Check out his latest release and listen to more of  JACRE on Spotify & YouTube.

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music blog, music discovery, emerging artist, , The Cage, Cage Riot, new music, blog writers, college internships, music magazine, Spotify, music distribution, artist development, billboard, rolling stone magazine, alternative press a blog powered by cage riot,

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